Mediation and Attestation

As part of our team, one of our partners is the Public Corridor of Mexico City, where he assists in the formation of companies and with regard to the formalization of their agreements, as well as in the areas of valuation of intangible and immovable assets. This allows us to provide our clients with a comprehensive service that ranges from the creation of investment vehicles and the monitoring of their corporate life, all from one place, with more effective response times and lower costs, based on a team highly versed in commercial law.

In addition, one of our partners is a Certified Public Mediator registered with the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City, which allows us to grant our clients the possibility of entering into mediation agreements with their counterparties to effectively and definitively put an end to civil, commercial and family conflicts, giving these agreements the scope of res judicata.

Responsible partners

Fernando Barrita C.

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